March 12, 2025

Melda Yagi

Connected World

Reinforcement Learning Explained For Humans


The most common way to think about reinforcement learning is that it’s a type of machine learning technique where an agent learns how to act in some environment. This could be something like learning to play Atari games or controlling robots. But Reinforcement Learning is different from other forms of machine learning because its focus is on the interaction between an agent and its environment rather than just creating models or algorithms.

Reinforcement Learning is a type of machine learning that trains artificial intelligence agents to act in some environment.

Reinforcement Learning is a type of machine learning that trains artificial intelligence agents to act in some environment. In RL, we give the agent goals and it must learn how to achieve those goals by interacting with its environment. The agent is given a reward signal after every action it takes and it uses this feedback to adjust its behavior accordingly.

The specific goal may be something like “make money” or “explore new places”. However, there are many different types of reinforcement learning algorithms out there that can be used for different applications:

An agent is given a goal and must learn how to achieve it by interacting with its environment.

An agent is a computer program that learns by interacting with its environment. The most common way for an agent to learn is through trial and error, also called reinforcement learning.

In the case of reinforcement learning, an agent has been given a goal (the task it needs to achieve) and must learn how to achieve that goal by interacting with its environment.

The agent is given a reward signal after every action it takes.

The agent is given a reward signal after every action it takes. The reward is a scalar value that represents how good or bad an action was, and it’s used to train the agent to take actions that maximize its cumulative rewards.

The reward doesn’t necessarily tell you how well your model is doing – it’s just an indication of how close your model has gotten to achieving its goal in this particular situation.

If you’re trying to learn how to play Atari games (as they often do in RL research), then the agent gets a positive reward for actions that bring it closer to winning.

In reinforcement learning, a reward is a signal that tells an agent whether it’s doing well. Positive rewards are given when the agent takes an action that brings it closer to winning; negative rewards are given when the agent takes an action that makes it further away from winning.

If you’re trying to learn how to play Atari games (as they often do in RL research), then the agent gets a positive reward for actions that bring it closer to winning and negative rewards for actions that make it further away from winning.

If the agent makes a mistake, then it gets a negative reward.

A reward is a signal that tells the agent how well it’s doing. If the agent makes a mistake, then it gets a negative reward. This is just like real life: if you do something wrong in real life (like misspell your name on your driver’s license), then you get punished by getting pulled over by the police and having to spend time in jail or paying fines.

Reward and punishment are two sides of the same coin. The only difference between them is whether they’re positive or negative numbers–but either way they tell us something about how good or bad our actions were at any given moment in time!

The focus of RL is on the interaction between an agent and its environment, rather than on specific algorithms or models.

The focus of RL is on the interaction between an agent and its environment, rather than on specific algorithms or models.

This means that you can use reinforcement learning to build any kind of system that learns by interacting with the world around it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a robot that needs to navigate its surroundings or a website that learns what you like based on how much time you spend browsing different pages–they both use RL as their main algorithm!

Reinforcement learning is different from other forms of machine learning because it focuses on how an agent interacts with its environment rather than just creating accurate models

You can think of reinforcement learning as a subfield of machine learning, but with a slightly different focus. Rather than just creating accurate models, reinforcement learning focuses on how an agent interacts with its environment and learns from the consequences of those interactions. This is important because it allows us to build agents that can learn from experience rather than having to be programmed ahead of time with all the knowledge they’ll ever need–an approach we call “supervised” machine learning (where we tell our program what it should output when given certain inputs).

In contrast, RL focuses on building agents who learn by trial-and-error: they explore their environments by interacting with them in some way (e.g., playing games), then receive feedback based on how well they did (e.g., winning or losing points). The goal is then for these agents’ actions to improve over time so they eventually become good enough at whatever task we’ve asked them to accomplish


Reinforcement learning is a powerful tool that can be used in many different fields. It has been used to train robots, control drones, and even play video games. The most important thing to remember about RL is that it’s not just another type of machine learning; it’s focused on how an agent interacts with its environment rather than just creating accurate models.