March 10, 2025

Melda Yagi

Connected World

Ten Things You Can’t Do With Augmented Reality


Augmented reality is a technology that lets you see and interact with virtual objects in real life. The term “augmented” means “to make something better,” but it’s important to realize that AR can’t make you taller, smarter or stronger—at least not yet anyway! In this article, I’ll give examples of things we can’t do with augmented reality devices…and why that’s okay! So let’s get started!

No augmented reality can make you a better person.

You can’t use augmented reality to make yourself a better person.

You can’t use augmented reality to make yourself smarter, or more talented, or more interesting, or more popular and attractive. If you’re looking for an app that will change who you are on the inside–and not just what other people see on their screens–look elsewhere.

You can’t use augmented reality to cheat on a test.

AR is all about augmenting reality and making it more interesting. But there are some things you can’t do with AR, and cheating on a test is one of them.

You can’t use augmented reality to cheat on a test because it’s not possible for the app to give you all the answers without any effort from your end. The information will come in different forms: sometimes as text, sometimes as sound files or videos; but no matter how many times you try tapping on the screen with your finger or waving around your phone over the paper sheet–no matter how much time passes–you won’t get anything useful out of it unless you study hard first!

There is no way to use augmented reality to make yourself taller.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to use AR to make yourself taller. You can’t use it to make your friends taller either. The reason for this is simple: you already are as tall as you are and it would be ridiculous for anyone else (or even an app) to change that fact.

It will never replace your real-life friends.

Augmented reality will never replace the real thing.

AR is a tool, not a substitute for face-to-face interaction. It can help you stay in touch with friends who live far away and make it easier to connect with them when you’re on the same continent. But if you want to hug or kiss someone–or even just get their opinion on something–you’ll still need them in front of you!

Augmented reality doesn’t work on the dark side of the moon.

You can’t see augmented reality on the dark side of the moon, because there’s no light. You also can’t see it in outer space or underwater, because there’s no atmosphere.

You can’t use augmented reality to give you X-ray vision or super strength.

You can’t use augmented reality to give you X-ray vision or super strength.

In case you were wondering, no, augmented reality is not going to be able to give you superpowers. It’s not true that if you put on an AR headset and look at something with it on, it will appear as though that thing has been replaced by another object–for example, if I were wearing an AR headset while looking at this chair here (and let’s assume that there was actually some sort of object behind it), I would still see a chair there when I took off my headset; nothing would have changed except for my perception of what was really there in front of me.

This might seem obvious but there are people who think otherwise–or at least act like they do–and so we need to address this issue head-on: Augmented Reality is simply a way of enhancing or supplementing reality rather than replacing it altogether!

Nobody has yet figured out how to make an augmented reality device that runs on love instead of batteries!

“Nobody has yet figured out how to make an augmented reality device that runs on love instead of batteries! It’s not going to happen.”

And why should it? Love is not a substitute for batteries, and batteries are not a substitute for love. In our world, we must deal with the realities of power sources and energy storage–and while this can sometimes be difficult or inconvenient, it’s also necessary if we want our gadgets to work at all (or at least not explode).

There’s no such thing as a virtual security blanket or virtual mommy or daddy. Section: The only thing that’s real about augmented reality is that it really does exist! Section: You can’t make things appear out of nowhere using AR technology; at least not yet anyway! Section Takeaway: It’s important to realize that, while some things are possible with AR, there are also limitations and boundaries we need to respect when using this technology

You can’t use augmented reality to make yourself taller.

You can’t use augmented reality to give yourself X-ray vision or super strength.

No augmented reality device that runs on love instead of batteries.

The only thing that’s real about augmented reality is that it really does exist!


With all this in mind, it’s important to remember that augmented reality is still new, and there are many things we don’t know yet. That means there will be plenty of opportunities for us all to use our imaginations (and maybe even some of those crazy sci-fi ideas) as we discover what this new technology can do!