March 10, 2025

Melda Yagi

Connected World

What Is Edge Network? The Complete Definition


The term “edge computing” is a new way of thinking about how IT systems function. It’s not really a technology or anything like that, but rather a new way to optimize your IT infrastructure and get better performance. Essentially, edge computing makes it possible for businesses to move some processes closer to their end users by taking some power and storage out of the data center and putting it in the edge of the network. This can help reduce latency, increase bandwidth capacity between “clouds” (more on that later) and enable better automation through AI-driven devices such as autonomous cars .

Edge computing is a new paradigm in IT, which moves some of the computing power and storage off of the data center, and into the edge of the network.

Edge computing is a new paradigm in IT, which moves some of the computing power and storage off of the data center, and into the edge of the network. The purpose is to make information available where it’s needed most.

In this sense, “edge” refers to any point along a network that has been designed to perform specific tasks. For example:

  • An autonomous vehicle has many sensors that collect data about its environment; these could be located at different points on its body (front bumper/back bumper) or even inside different parts (steering wheel). Each sensor generates information about what it sees–for example: “I saw a red light up ahead” or “There are no other cars around me right now.” This information needs to be processed before being sent back up through each respective communication channel (WiFi connection between two vehicles) as well as stored somewhere locally so that it can be accessed later if needed again later down line when making decisions based off previously collected data sets will help improve performance outcomes overall due

An edge network connects end users, digital devices, sensors, etc. all over the world to their applications and content via the internet.

An edge network connects end users, digital devices, sensors and other things over the internet. It can be used for IoT applications (Internet of Things) or mobile apps such as autonomous vehicles.

Edge computing has been around since 2008 but only recently has it gained popularity among companies like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure who have started offering services based on this technology.

The ultimate goal of edge computing is to lower latency by moving processing closer to where data is being generated or consumed.

Edge computing is the process of moving data and processing closer to where it’s generated or consumed. The ultimate goal of edge computing is to lower latency by moving processing closer to where data is being generated or consumed.

Low latency is important for real-time applications, such as video games, virtual reality (VR), autonomous vehicles and emerging technologies such as 5G and IoT. Low latency also makes voice and video calls easier for users because there are fewer delays between sending audio signals across the network than there would be if those signals had been sent over long distances before reaching their destination

Anything that can generate or consume data can be considered part of an edge environment, including IoT devices, mobile phones, autonomous vehicles and more.

Edge computing is a new paradigm in IT that brings together the cloud and edge networks to optimize IT infrastructure by moving some processes closer to the end user.

Edge environments can be anything from IoT devices, mobile phones, autonomous vehicles and more. Anything that can generate or consume data can be considered part of an edge environment including:

  • Sensors (for example: temperature sensors)
  • Cameras (for example: security cameras)
  • Smart speakers

Any device that connects directly with an Internet connection falls under this category

Edge cloud technology makes it possible for businesses to optimize their IT infrastructure by moving some processes closer to their end users.

Edge computing is the next step in cloud computing. It’s a new way of thinking about data storage and processing, which means you can optimize your IT infrastructure by moving some processes closer to your end users.

Edge cloud technology makes it possible for businesses to optimize their IT infrastructure by moving some processes closer to their end users. This allows them to reduce latency and improve performance while also reducing costs associated with running a large public cloud infrastructure


Edge computing has the potential to change how businesses operate. By moving some of their computing power closer to where data is being generated or consumed, they can improve efficiency and eliminate latency issues. It’s also important to note that edge networks are not limited to just one industry; they can be used by anyone who wants better control over their data.